Change of scenery, Change of self

The last few days have been a real drag for me. I’ve been in a slump, only able to scrounge up enough energy to do one project or so a day and not much more. For the 2 weeks I’ve been here without Dad, there was a lot for me to do and while I’veContinue reading “Change of scenery, Change of self”


Though I haven’t given them much of the lime light lately, the dogs have been our first priority since moving here, of course. Most all of them have been adjusting better than expected, save Shaina the troublemaker and Clyde, whose been my little sad boy but seems to be perking up. For those who don’tContinue reading “#LifeWithElevenDogs”

Rooting ourselves in to place

Dad is leaving tonight to go back to the Central Coast and for 2 weeks, Gooby and I will have the house to ourselves. This means rearranging the inside of the house as we see fit, something we haven’t put much energy into while he’s been here. As well, I have to form new habitsContinue reading “Rooting ourselves in to place”

It matters where you live.

Having recently moved from the Central Coast to the Eastern Sierras, I’ve seen a very small version of how people do things differently because of the place they live, where they were raised and where they choose to go should they leave their first home. The differences are small but they are many and itContinue reading “It matters where you live.”

‘Gardening is an instrument of grace.’

-May Sarton We finished the greenhouse and moved most of the mature plants inside to acclimate to their new settings before we transplant them into bigger containers tomorrow morning. As well, we set up a fenced area in the open just behind the greenhouse for our starter plants and smaller things, as an experiment toContinue reading “‘Gardening is an instrument of grace.’”

First Day on the Job

  Woke up at 5:30a.m. this morning with Dad to get started working on the property. Wanted to wake up a half hour earlier but even still, this was a big change from when I usually get up. It’s just one of the things I will work on when it comes to forming new habits.Continue reading “First Day on the Job”